The Homeschool Revolution


Police Bring Battering Ram to Take Homeschooled Children

It’s a nightmare scenario that many homeschool parents fear. The authorities coming in the dead of night and stealing your children away. All because you wish to educate your children as you see fit.

On Aug 29, 2013, 20 German social workers and police officers, armed with a battering ram, raided the Wunderlich family home and stole their homeschooled children away.

“The children were taken to unknown locations,” HSLDA reported. “Officials ominously promised the parents that they wouldn’t be seeing their children anytime soon.”

And they didn’t. The Wunderlich parents didn’t see their children until almost a month later, Sept 19, 2013.

On that day, the court returned custody of the children to the parents on two conditions. 1. They must attend public school and 2. Their passports were revoked so they couldn’t flee the country.

The Wunderlich family has bravely vowed to continue homeschooling in Germany, regardless of the persecution they’ve faced – they are still fighting for that right today. The Homeschool Legal Defense Association has been their champion, fighting for their rights for the last 8 years.

It was Adolf Hitler who originally banned homeschooling in 1938. That’s not surprising. What is surprising is that today, instead of repealing this law, the German government has piled on more homeschooling restrictions than ever.

One has to wonder, why is the German government so threatened by homeschooling?

The reason given is “to protect children”. But we know that isn’t true.

I think of, “Train a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not turn away from it.” Prov 22:6

Hitler knew this when he founded the “Hitler Youth”, and that was probably the impetus of banning homeschooling.

During Covid, thousands of German families have been forced to homeschool. And of course, so many families have enjoyed it so much, almost 10k brave families have signed a petition to legalize homeschooling after the pandemic.

At The Homeschool Revolution, we believe that teaching your own children is one of the most basic, fundamental human rights. We stand united with homeschoolers all over the world, especially the “criminal homeschoolers”.

Many of our founding fathers including George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and Alexander Hamilton, were in fact, homeschooled.

Do you believe families have the right to homeschool?

Share this to support and increase awareness for the Wunderlich family, the HSLDA, and the thousands of German homeschoolers yearning to give their children the best education possible.

Because Homeschooling, when done right, is indeed the best education you can give your children – for academics and socialization. That’s not my opinion, that’s a fact, based on over 30 years of peer-reviewed studies.

I’ve dedicated my life to being a homeschool advocate. Join me in the noble mission of supporting homeschoolers all over the world.


Ryan Gosling’s ‘Zero to Hollywood Hero’ Homeschool Success Story

Ryan Gosling is the essence of “cool”. Homeschooling is the opposite of “cool”. At least, according to the stereotypes. But if you dig deep to find out how Ryan Gosling developed that independent “rebel” streak that makes him an icon of American cinema – it all started with homeschooling. Yes….homeschooling. This is his story:

Ryan had a rough time at school. His “friends” bullied him, and he had trouble focusing during class. He had all the symptoms of ADHD but there wasn’t treatment available for that condition yet. The school was failing him. At age 10 he still had trouble reading.

School was failing him. At age 10 he still had trouble reading.

Ryan described his frustrating experience,

“Because I was getting into a lot of trouble at school, I couldn’t keep up. They were trying to start and put me in special ed classes. I remember I was playing chess in special ed and I was playing against a kid who was eating his queen”

Finally, out of desperation, his single mother decided to homeschool young Ryan.

When interviewed by The Guardian in 2007, Ryan said that homeschooling gave him a sense of autonomy that he never really lost.

Ryan credits the time spent with his mother and sister for giving him the ability to think like a woman, evidently informing his next acting role as Noah in The Notebook.

Ryan is not just a rebel on screen, but off-screen. He chooses the roles he wants, for indie/lower budget movies over the big-budget Hollywood “dream machine”. That kind of integrity is rare.

Yes, homeschoolers are often seen as “un-socialized”, sheltered, weirdos. Funny enough, that’s how Ryan was perceived before he was homeschooled. In my experience, being in the homeschool community my whole life, most homeschoolers develop the same “rebel” streak of confidence and autonomy young Ryan Gosling found.

Homeschoolers work at their pace, on their schedule. They study what they want, how they want, where they want, and with whom they want.

Homeschoolers learn to manage their own time, manage their own life! They call the shots. They make the rules. With all this freedom, you can’t help but gain a little swagger.